Debbie by Debbie Reynolds

Debbie: My Life by Debbie Reynolds

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I tell you that I’m not the sort of person who underlines things in books and yet there’s basically 99.99% of this book that I wanted to underline, I hope that conveys at least a little of what it means to read Debbie by Debbie Reynolds. This is a heck of a book about a heck of a person and I loved every inch of it. It’s ridiculous, yes, and absolutely incomprehensible at points (not in terms of language but rather because of what happens and who’s involved and how it all goes down and Fred Astaire! Elizabeth Taylor! Gene Kelly! Marlon Brando! Oh my god!), and we work out what year it is in relation to which husband Debbie was married to at that point, and it’s just another world entirely and it’s all immensely ridiculous and fabulous and breathtakingly otherworldly and there we are, that’s it, that’s the book.

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Published by Daisy May Johnson

I write and research children's books.

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